Tuesday, April 30, 2013


April has been a super busy month for us.  Not only has my son had a runny nose for most of the month, he is also transitioning from two naps to one, much to my dismay.  I loved two naps.  In the morning I could relax, shower, and drink coffee.  The afternoon nap which was usually longer, I could get things done - laundry, cleaning, knitting, etc.  It was great.  Now not only is my son adjusting, so am I.  not sure who's it harder on.    :)
We also celebrated my oldest nephew's birthday.  9 years old.  wow!  I was commissioned to make a cake... here it is...
 He loves to play Angry Birds so I used that theme to decorate the cake. 
 He also loves sweets, so after being inspired by Pinterest, I made the cake a pinata cake.  so much fun!

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