Thursday, September 30, 2010

44 days

44 days
44 days
44 days

holy cow! what a week.
It started last week on Monday when everything I touched fell apart. Steve's computer died - at my hand, well not really but i turned it on to discover it was on it's last leg. My load of laundry was off balanced, the first time I've done that in Steve's washer. It didn't help that once i got the load finished I put it in the dryer and forgot to turn on the dryer. It kind of went downhill from there. Tuesday was slightly better. Wednesday (the day we were leaving for Stormy Lake) I tried to print some nice labels for the invitations. First I battled my parent's computer to finally win and get the addresses all ready on to print them. The printing begins and we discovered i bought the wrong labels. Then I couldn't find the right labels. After coming back from a long weekend at Stormy Lake, Steve and I sat down to stuff the invitation to discover we were 20 invitations short. We have the right number of envelopes and response cards but not invitations. Groan! First thing Tuesday morning I was trying to contact the company. They are not on early starting company. By 11:00 everything was resolved and apologized for with a promise that the 20 short invitations will be in the mail Wednesday. whew! This morning I was watching the news and saw a short clip about an increase in stamp prices. They said the announcement will be tomorrow but nothing about when the increase would take effect. Groan! Fortunately Ann-Marie did some quick Internet searching and we believe the new price goes into effect Jan. 2, 2011. whew! This is more stress than I want.

On another note we met with Paula, North Park's wedding coordinator, on Tuesday. She was full of helpful knowledge. I think Steve walked out rather overwhelmed. There were several small details he didn't even think about and they were swimming through his head. I did make a decision on the flowers and decorations for the church. Simple flowers and candles. I think the church will glow. Tuesday I also managed to fine the right labels for the right computer and got the labels printed.
Did I mention in the middle of the week last week I started thinking I should pick up yoga?