Monday, April 21, 2008


Yes! Chicago did feel an earthquake on Friday April 18 approximately 4:30 am. The epicenter of the quake was down in southern Illinois and was reported felt as far north as Milwaukee.
I felt it. I woke up to my bed shaking, then realized my building was shaking. I thought it was the wind and I was kind of annoyed that it was so windy outside. I thought I'll never make it to my bus stop if it's this windy outside. A bit later my alarm went off and my thoughts quickly changed to not wanting to get out of bed. When i turned on the tv and as the Andy Griffith show was ending the top news story was headlining WGN... Earthquake felt in Chicago. oh! so that explains the shaking. I was glad it wasn't the wind but excited to know i felt an earthquake.
Thus the great quake of 2008 is in the books.

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